5.2. The scale of elements

When choosing elements we should bear in mind that the further from the camera, the less space on the screen they take (according to perspective). If some elements are important (e.g. a fore sight) we can scale them up a little bit. We should not, however, scale up the distant parts, as it can cause imbalance in proportions of the whole weapon (the form will look bulky).

Similarly to what I have written about designing the silhouette, too subdivided lines parallel to the screen’s edge are problematic. Props created that way are irritating to the viewer’s eyes. For that reason it is necessary to redesign some parts of a weapon to make them look better and more functional in the frame. It is a good idea to restrict the number of divisions or to make more space between them. The intensity of correction made to a given part depends on its distance from the camera and on the angle it is set at.

Reduction of the indentations at the side of Tommy Gun or at its barrel is a good example.

Due to perspective foreshortening and distancing the object from the camera ‒ in some extreme cases it is allowed to change circles into ellipsis. Such a change can be advantageous for the look in FPP projection ‒ a given shape will look round and will be more visible.

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5.1. Significant features of an object

Looking carefully at any weapon it is easy to notice which elements are vital – key to the object. Older games or the mobile ones show it nicely. Due to technical limitations (number of tris, textures resolution, displays’ resolution and size) artists were made to present the essence. A part of irrelevant details was eliminated and those key ones highlighted.

Nowadays, we have reached the stage of so high resolution that we can show all details of realistic weapons (and even add a few more). But we still need to remember to show the essence, to choose those forms, shapes and objects that are important, and highlight them.

Of course, apart from the key details there are also other, the smaller ones. Analyzing an object it is worth to create the hierarchy of importance ‒ a pyramid. In such a way we can easily determine which elements are important and influence the others.

<b>Heckler & Koch HK69A1 - 40x46mm</b> [online]. <i>source: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_HK69A1_grenade_launcher</i>
The hierarchy of importance for the K 69A1 Grenade pistol.
Current trends in weapons’ designing require constant developments, adding a lot more, than it is presented in pictures/ references (of course sensibly and moderately). Majority of the real weapons have simple construction – by adding suitable elements we can make objects more attractive for an average player. Also in this case objects should be placed in some hierarchy not to compete with each, other but to harmonize.

Reno Levi. <b>Call of Duty - Ghosts</b> [portfolio online]. 2013, <i>source: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2qaA</i>
An object of a weapon with substantial amount of „visual additives”. Slings and other additional objects correspond well with the rest.
On the basis of the hierarchy of importance we should play with the elements, make the object show what we had already determined in our ranking. The easiest ways of manipulations can be the change of scale – the more important, the bigger.

Valve Corporation. <b>Portal 2</b> [PC]. Valve Corporation, 2011, <i>source: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2011/01/21/hop-into-a-new-world-with-portal-2-screenshots/portal-gameplay-03/</i>
The mechanisms which „emits” the beam is big, visible – it is the most important in this object. The remaining elements are subordinate.

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5.0. High poly object

When buying a game players expect it to have „good graphic and lots of details”. Meeting these criteria is not as easy as it seems.

The stage of basemesh object creation can be divided into two separate sub-stages:

  • giving an adequate shape – more precise divisions, carvings, transfer of forms, giving character to given parts,
  • minor details – screws, threads, small indentations, dentations.

Shaping is about polishing a silhouette. About adequate sketching everything that should be included on an object to make it look more authentic. Define better the elements which proportions, dimensions and shapes were set in the whitebox.

Next we can go into details. It is all about setting small parts skillfully so that they would complete the bigger ones, not randomly spreading thousands of small objects on the surface. 

An object prepared in such a way is not ready to be baked yet. However, it has all the necessary elements, drafted shape, character of the surface and the way of its smoothening already determined.

If the basemesh object is created in a software for polygonal modelling, I would recommend to base the mesh on quads. Thanks to that it will be easier to adjust the grid in the next stage, creating a subdivided object – high poly.

Basemesh with the wireframe; an object prepared in such a way can be subdivided to create high poly.

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4.4. Additional notes

Thanks to the depth of field (DOF) aiming in a game looks more natural. While preparing a silhouette it’s worth analyzing if the elements after blurring will not have strange / cartoonish forms or will not disturb each other.

Infinity Ward. <b>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2</b> [PC]. Activision, 2009, <i>source: http://mw2.gamebanana.com/</i>
An example how the depth of field works while aiming.

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4.3. Sights modelling

Both the scale of a scope and the red dot shape is an issue connected with graphic designing not modelling. Therefore, I will concentrate on iron sights and scope’s case, which are fully 3D objects.

Because in the targeting mode crosshair is substituted with a 3D object you have to take care of its shape and the sights’ silhouette. Also in this case the majority of real dimensions cannot be applied in games. The most common corrections include:

  • elements’ thickness – the faces that should be minute and only suggest their shape cannot take up too much space on the screen, it works also the other way round,
  • change of position – elements cannot be too small, should be visible and readable from a further distance from the screen (it is usually the distance between a sofa and a TV set),
  • changes in a sight construction – it’s especially vital when we skip the rear sight/ sight vane. The point, we will shoot at, must be clearly defined and visible at the first sight. Sights in the shape of a circle are good example. Its middle, and place we are shooting at, can be established straightforward.

Lukerichard. <b>Cybergun Cyma Thompson</b> [online]. <i>source: http://s294.photobucket.com/user/lukerichard/media/P1010136.jpg.html</i>
The picture shows real shooting from Thompson submachine gun. Such dimensions cannot be used in a game.

Other examples of redesigning that has positive impact on aiming in shooters:

It’s worth remembering that the scopes must be placed exactly in the middle of a weapon. Usually it is so, although some exceptions can be found. They shouldn’t be strangely misplaced in relation to the weapon’s axis. You should also make sure, in the orthogonal projection, if the fore sight and the rear sight are placed on similar height.

Weapon in two orthogonal projections together with drawn axes.

Exceptions to that rule show objects that have scopes mounted at a side (usually the optical sights).

<b>M1-D Garand Sniper Rifle</b> [online]. <i>source: http://www.militariaauctionsetc.com/firearms_m1-d_garand_cw_smith_carbine#Next</i>
An example of a scope mounted at a side

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4.2. Aiming vs. game mechanics

Aiming system is very much connected with the game mechanics. Largely the effortlessness of aiming results in a player being eager to use the weapon or not.

While playing targets often change their positions. Player needs to observe the battlefield and, depending on the target’s position, change the weapon’s position.

When too big part of the battlefield is covered, a player has problem to determine the enemy position, especially when entering space covered by aiming devices (dead space).

 Gearbox Software. <b>Borderlands 2</b> [PC]. 2K Games, 2012
Creators of Borderlands 2 decided to have the sights’ insights hardly covering the battlefield.
It should be also noted that the aiming system should reflect the game mechanics’ assumptions.

For example:

We want this weapon to be powerful but aiming needs to be difficult.


Shooting from this weapon should be pleasant and easy and so on…

The less onerous aiming system the greatest pleasure it gives.

Majority of the aiming methods in games (looking from the visual point of view) is based on three schemes:

  • open (e.g. sight) – almost all area of the battlefield is visible,
  • half-full (e.g. collimator) – substantial part of the battlefield is visible but part is covered by the scopes,
  • full (e.g. scope) – only a part of the battlefield is visible, the rest cannot be seen by a player.

Reto-Moto. <b>Heroes & Generals</b> [PC]. Reto-Moto, 2014, <i>source: http://imgur.com/5tCPYaA</i>
An example of open aiming scheme
Treyarch. <b>Call of Duty: Black Ops II</b> [PC]. Activision, 2012, <i>source: http://lparchive.org/Call-of-Duty-Black-Ops-II/Update%2007/</i>
An example of half-full aiming scheme
Ubisoft Montreal. <b>Far Cry 3</b> [PC]. Ubisoft, 2012, <i>source: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Far_Cry_3</i>
An example of full aiming scheme.

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4.1. Aiming in games and in the reality

Even though such setting (close-up look) is rarely seen on screen, it is a challenge for a graphic. We should not only pay attention to the proper setting but also to the design and functionality of the scopes.

In reality there are a few types of scopes depending on their work and usage, etc.

<b>M1A Socom 039</b> [online]. <i>source: http://www.kaneohegs.com/</i>
An example showing aiming in reality.
In video games the situation is much simpler. It doesn’t matter whether weapon is equipped with a scope, iron sights or optical sight – „aiming” is only about pressing the right button and the weapon’s object changes its position on the screen.

The biggest discrepancies in the aiming rule occurs in the iron sighting. In reality:

to aim, one needs to coordinate all devices (usually the fore sight and the rear sight or the sight vane) and the target in one line. source

In video games, however, it is possible to ignore the fore sight/ sight vane and aim only with the rear sight. Games’ creators take that step in order to improve functionality. As then the rear sight or sight vane does not cover the battle field.

View on the whole weapon

It shows that while aiming in a FPS game weapon should show clearly which point on the screen is responsible for hitting, so which place we will shoot at. Determining this point and the player’s comfort is much more important than correct (realistic) copy of the operating principles of the whole system.

Iron sight [online]. wikipedia.org, 2013.
source: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celownik_mechaniczny

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4.0. Basic assumptions ‒ aiming

In the FPS apart from placing weapon in the down right corner (hip shooting), there is usually the second, alternative setting. Shooting when a player uses a sight / scope.

In such a setting weapon is placed in the middle of the screen and a player targets not with a crosshair (as in case of the hip shooting) but by adequately modelled parts of weapon sight.

If there are any elements of a whitebox object that should be precisely modelled, those are the sights.

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